Call for Papers

Paper Submission
July 4th, 2008
July 11th, 2008
(23:55 - Brazil)

Author Notification
August 11th, 2008

Final Version
August 22nd, 2008

October 14th, 2008


The requirements and complexity of current software systems impose the cooperation of several development teams with different skills, and more recently, which take place in geographically distributed settings. Nowadays, the software industry has been exploring distributed resources as a mean to reduce cost and development time, and also to expand to new markets. However, geographical distance has a significant impact on the process of coordination and communication between members of the dispersed development teams. Thus, problems and challenges intrinsic to software development processes become more critical in Distributed Software Development (DSD).

Currently, DSD is already a reality in the national and international context. In Brazil, it is becoming a common practice to find companies located in different regions that jointly develop software projects. Besides, several multinational organizations have been developing software projects in Brazil. In order to deal with distribution issues, several technological, organizational and social approaches and solutions have been proposed. The study of such proposals is aligned with Brazilian government programs that aim to increase the quality of software processes, products and services, making more competitive the national software industry in the global software development context.

Following the world-wide trend of scientific events on DSD, the second edition of the Workshop on Distributed Software Development (WDDS 2008) constitutes a forum for researchers and industry practitioners to present and discuss their results and experiences in the area. The goal is to provide an opportunity to generate knowledge and to exchange experiences, facilitating the adoption, evaluation and execution of academic and industrial DSD projects in Brazil.

Authors are invited to submit technical papers describing research results and innovation on the state-of-the-art in DSD. Experience reports are welcome, particularly those which bring advancements on the state-of-the-practice in DSD.


Researchers and practitioners interested in DSD models, processes, techniques and tools.

TOPICS OF INTEREST (non-exhaustive list):

WDDS 2008 invites researchers, students and practitioners to submit papers related to innovation and consolidation in the DSD area. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Empirical studies of DSD projects (quantitative and qualitative);
- Tools for DSD (requirements management, configuration management, distributed teams management, document sharing);
- Communication, collaboration and coordination in DSD projects;
- Reports on industrial experiences presenting lessons learned;
- Teaching distributed and global software development;
- Models and environments for DSD (internal offshoring, offshore outsourcing, outsourcing);
- Case studies of successful and unsuccessful DSD projects;
- Management of the variety of DSD projects (culture, technical, social and organizational);
- Project management in DSD (human resources, project planning, mentoring, awareness);


Papers can be written either in Portuguese or in English. All submissions must follow the guidelines established by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) available at: (in the link "Eventos"). Submitted papers must be unpublished original work.

Two types of submissions are expected:
- Technical papers;
- Experience reports on industrial case studies.

All submitted papers will be evaluated by at least three members of the program committee, on the basis of originality and contribution to the DSD area. Technical papers will be judged according to their adequacy to workshop scope, originality, relevance, technical soundness and clarity of expression. Experience reports will be judged based on their adequacy to workshop scope, practical applicability, clarity of expression and contribution to advancements on the state-of-the-practice.

Papers should not exceed 10 pages. All submissions must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and must be submitted through the SBC infrastructure - JEMS system ( For accepted submissions, at least one of the authors must register in the workshop for presenting the paper.

For further information, contact the Program Committee Chair (Glêdson Elias) at


All accepted papers will be published in the SBES 2008 conference CD.


A selection of the accepted papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of the INFOCOMP journal.


- Elisa H. M. Huzita, UEM, BR


- Glêdson Elias, UFPB, BR


- Cleidson R. B. de Souza, UFPA, BR
- Elisa H. M. Huzita, UEM, BR
- Glêdson Elias, UFPB, BR
- Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, PUCRS, BR
- Leonardo Murta, UFF, BR
- Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS, BR
- Renata P. M. Fortes, USP, BR


- Alberto Avritzer, Siemens, US
- Alexandre Vasconcelos, UFPE, BR
- Antônio Francisco do Prado, UFSCar, BR
- Antonio Maria, UFLA, BR
- Audris Mockus, Avaya Labs Research, US
- Claudia Werner, UFRJ, BR
- Cleidson R. B. de Souza, UFPA, BR
- Dante Antunes, HP, BR
- Eduardo Santana de Almeida, CESAR/RiSE, BR
- Elisa H. M. Huzita, UEM, BR
- Elisa Yumi Nakagawa, USP, BR
- Filippo Lanubile, University of Bari, IT
- Glêdson Elias, UFPB, BR
- Guilherme H. Travassos, UFRJ, BR
- Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa, UFLA, BR
- Hugo Fuks, PUC-Rio, BR
- Jairo Avritchir, Dell, US
- Jones de Albuquerque, UFRPE, BR
- Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, PUCRS, BR
- Karin Breitman, PUC-Rio, BR
- Leonardo Murta, UFF, BR
- Maurício Cristal, Dell, BR
- Paulo Fernandes, PUCRS, BR
- Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia, CA
- Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS, BR
- Renata Pontin M. Fortes, USP, BR
- Ricardo Pianta, HP, BR
- Sabrina Marczak, University of Victoria, CA
- Silvio Meira, UFPE, BR
- Tânia Tait, UEM, BR
- Toacy Oliveira, University of Waterloo, CA


Further information can be found at the WDDS 2008 site.